Japanese Women Don't Get Old or Fat: Secrets of My Mother's Tokyo Kitchen【楽天海外直送】【英語の本】【洋書】

Japanese Women Don't Get Old or Fat: Secrets of My Mother's Tokyo KitchenWhat if there were a land where people lived longer than anywhere else on earth, the obesity rate was the lowest in the developed world, and women in their forties still looked like they were in their twenties? Wouldn't you want to know their extraordinary secret? Japanese-born Naomi Moriyama reveals the secret to her own high-energy, successful lifestyle-and the key to the enduring health and beauty of Japanese women-in this exciting new book. The Japanese have the pleasure of eating one of the most delicious, nutritious, and naturally satisfying cuisines in the world without denial, without guilt...and, yes, without getting fat or looking old. As a young girl living in Tokyo, Naomi Moriyama grew up in the food utopia of the world, where fresh, simple, wholesome fare is prized as one of the greatest joys of life. She also spent much time basking in that other great center of Japanese food culture: her mother Chizuko's Tokyo kitchen. Now she brings the traditional secrets of her mother's kitchen to you in a book that embodies the perfect marriage of nature and culinary wisdom-Japanese home-style cooking. If you think you've eaten Japanese food, you haven't tasted anything yet. Japanese home-style cooking isn't just about sushi and raw fish but good, old-fashioned everyday-Japanese-mom's cooking that's stood the test of time-and waistlines-for decades. Reflected in this unique way of cooking are the age-old traditional values of family and the abiding Japanese love of simplicity, nature, and good health. It's the kind of food that millions of Japanese women like Naomi eat every day to stay healthy, slim, and youthful while pursuing an energetic, successful, on-the-golifestyle. Even better, it's fast, it's easy, and you can start with something as simple as introducing brown rice to your diet. You'll begin feeling the benefits that keep Japanese women among the youngest-looking in the world after your very next meal! If you're tired of counting calories, counting carbs, and counting on being disappointed with diets that don't work and don't satisfy, it's time to discover one of the best-kept and most delicious secrets for a healthier, slimmer, and long-living lifestyle. It's time to discover the Japanese fountain of youth....Dimensions: 21.54 x 14.88 x 2.72 centimetres (0.45 kg)人々が地球上の他のどこよりも長く住んでいる土地があれば、肥満率は先進国で最も低く、40代の女性は20代のように見えますか?彼らの秘密を知りたくないですか? 日本人の森山直美さんは、このエキサイティングな新しい本で、彼女自身の高エネルギーで成功したライフスタイルの秘密と、日本人女性の健康と美しさを支える鍵を明らかにしています。
あなたは、あなたの次の食事の後で、世界で最も若い人の間で日本の女性を保つ利点を感じ始めるでしょう! あなたがカロリーを数えることに疲れていて、炭水化物を数え、うまくいかない食事や満足していない食事に失望している場合は、健康でスリムな食事の秘訣を見つけて、ロングライフのライフスタイル。
日本の若者の泉を発見する時です.... 寸法:21.54 x 14.88 x 2.72センチメートル(0.45 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。
「伝票番号の追跡サイトへの反映には10日程度かかります」 当店のカード決済代行会社は Rakuten Commerce LLC です。
- 商品価格:4,463円
- レビュー件数:0件
- レビュー平均:0.0
マザー 関連ツイート
@nanaincu 2018/11/19 11:29
RT @tokkouji: ”助けてください” こぼれ落ちた女性たち
特に驚いたのが、日々の食事もままならないシングルマザーたちが少なくないことでした。家計を切り詰めるため、…@waaldpeace5 2018/11/19 10:55
なんて医者一家なんだ(専攻してる学部医者になにもかすらないるぅくず)@amhsyky 2018/11/19 11:22
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